Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Yoshimi is landing in a few hours

What a day
Ate fried chicken
Cut my hair
Received an infusion of Yoshimi robot things - not sure if the robots are evil or if they have defected over to helping Yoshimi battle inside me, but they sure are cute.

Plus a bunch of rolled up cute little posters of positive power, all via Nancy S, my Michigan kindred spirit. I send you sparkling vibes of friendship and love Nancy. And to all of you - I have many cards and gifts - thank you.

The robots have arrived on my doorstep.
Are the robots trying to eat me? They sure are cute. Eat me! Or, I think you are really my friends - so go infiltrate me and find the bad stuff and eat it.
Reinforcements come in from Julia P! Make new friends but keep the old, some are gold and some are from FIRST GRADE! I LOVE THIS! THANK YOU!

Emily Post has gotten kind of fat and lazy and dead and she is stuffed into her coffin and trying to roll over, but she might not be able to. Anyway she wanted me to let you know that Amy's Famous Thank You Note Service may be a bit sluggish. We shall see.

I am feeling pretty ok about starting chemo in a matter of hours. Could be the steroids I am on! Next time you see a blog from me part of the volume of my blood will be filled with vesicants, May flowers, Periwinkle juice, opiates, and soil fungus anti (against) biotics (life) - that's odd isn't it?


  1. They already have you on the 'roids? That should keep your appetite up!

    1. Supposed to do them the day before, the day of, and the day after poison. So far so good!

  2. It's super awesome to know you're there

  3. Thanks for the great image of the mighty bots going into battle. As the B-52s express so beautifully: "GO, GO, GO, GO, GOGOGO! woah, woah, woah, woah woahwoahwoah..." Lots of love and good vibe your way!

  4. Will be thinking of you all day today Amy, imagining your inner robots taking on and vanquishing the bad cells inside. You will persevere, and ultimately conquer this! Cheering for you throughout the coming months...Peg (from group)

    1. Hey you got onto my blog - cool! Thank you! And congrats to you on no longer radiating - other than by personality!

  5. Sending warmest wishes for a smooth chemo today. Be strong.

  6. Hello Precious Child. I am sending love love love love your way dear one. Good vibes and well wishes from Joe & me. AJ

  7. If the plant cannot make huge happy flowers for you please tell me and they will send another.

  8. When I see beauty in people then I care;

    And then I can listen,

    and to listen is to care.

    And to care is beautiful,

    because finding beauty in people is so easy:

    It is always there.

    Precious One,
    Have you any idea who wrote this? It is true I think.
    I love listening to you in the words you use in your own inimitable way ~~~~~~~~ We are sending our best effort at power for the little robots to do their work well as you sleep this time with beautiful dreams of being in Paris with your sister who holds on to you so you won't fall, in a bed with rails beside you, and when you wake up you are going out to dinner in a sleeveless dress and you feel so good -- light and happy with no pain and such wonderful good memories of happy times. Love, AJ

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