Monday, October 28, 2013

People are cool

Like my friend Sharon who has a cousin who is undergoing chemotherapy right now and is about to lose her hair. Sharon and I were talking about this, and I said hey you could donate your hair if you wanted to. So she did. When I told her I thought that was really cool she said it was no big deal, it's not like I'm getting chemo or anything, and hey sometimes all you have to do is ask. 

Here she is before she cut her hair. Now keep in mind Sharon has wild and crazy hair, and she is a lawyer, and a rower, and has had a wild and crazy hair identity for many many many years.

Now here she is after:
I don't make this stuff up. I just report it.

Hair I am from earlier today at the hospital where I was getting some fluids and some major druuuuuuuugggggzzzz

Thank you

To Leila for making me an acupuncture appointment with some special person named Dr. He who is an expert practitioner in the area of chemotherapy

To Rebecca for knitting me the most beautiful cloudfuzzypink hat that I will be wearing soon

To Mona for taking care of me this weekend, and to Kris for taking care of me this weekend, and to Mike for taking care of me 24 hours a day

To you

Another cool person is a nurse practitioner I had today named Vicky. She kind of saved my life today. I feel much better now. I'm going to go rest. Thank you to everybody for being so sweet to me.


  1. You know that stupid saying that Anna Quindlan has done such a good job of blasting: "God made mothers because God couldn't be everywhere?" Well, it should say, "Life gives us friends for fun companionship when we are well and for support when we are sick and no longer have our mothers." I'm so glad I am able to help.

  2. I am in awe at your willingness to make yourself so vulnerable and 'bare all' that you are going thru. You are not a whiner, you are a person sharing from the depths of your being. I wonder if grass gives you an appetite or does it even make good taste better? I wish you were in Colorado where it is more easily available...but maybe it wouldn't matter. I will be grateful for the appetite I have that I try to suppress.

  3. Sharon, I agree you are cool. And your new hair looks great !

  4. Thank you to everyone taking care of Amy! It is incredibly hard being away, so far, during this time. Keep sharing the good , the bad and the ugly, Amy. I love you!

  5. Yes to Dr. He. I posted more on Facebook because I'm not sure these are posting. He was recommended to Bob during his chemo and he is wonderful. He and Bob became good friends.
