Sunday, October 13, 2013

My chemical romance

People, like Jara, ask: what do you mean chemo is preventative? How do you know what to do, etc....?????? 

Here's the thing - let's say my body is a hotel. The Four Seasons Austin? The Maui Kea Lani? How about The Plaza? We can all visualize that even if we've never been (like I've never). 

So these scruffy rogue cancer cells were in the threshold (lymph nodes) of The Plaza (the me). Only a few of them were found loitering in the foyer, some of them casually going around and around the revolving door, in/out/in/out. Kinda unclear where they were going. Some appear to have been seen flirting with a bellboy, others could've been inching toward an elevator. 

Rumors were spread that they were thinking of hitting the stairs and meeting in the boiler room. Our cameras were not able to see every corner but these are seriously bad guys who could burn this whole joint down if they get in and set up camp. We wanted them to go away.

The uninvited nasties MAY have come in to the hotel. 

Ponder there. Are they here? Where? Unknown. Unknowable.

We will now flood the hotel with poison in hopes that we drown any rogue cancer dudes. This is very hard on the hotel but we feel it's necessary. It's hell on the carpet and drapes, not to mention downstairs. The boiler room could blow up, in the kitchen cakes could refuse to rise, and the cocktail bar could become nepharious. No matter - in other hotels gangs of these carcinogenic types have poured in and clumped up in one room - like the laundry room, or the presidential suite. You can see them with x-ray specs. In a hotel down the street where we could get a clear view of a huge gang clumped up in the maids' poker room, a poisonous flood was sent into the hotel, and later after a few floodings we peered in at the poker room and could see that the gang had shrunk. I prefer the word shrinked. This gave the doctors warm feelings that their poison was a super idea. Yay! they said, we are smart! It's working!

In my hotel we do NOT KNOW:

1. If the rogue cancer cells found in my doorway (lymph node) were only sitting in there, lymphing around, loitering scarily but not dangerously...OR, if they jumped into the stream, the river, the wormhole, the elevator, the ocean current - that lets them float, like Dori, to any other room in me. We have no intel. We do not know.

2. How many cancer cells there may be in me. One? 500? 22,464? A million? Zero? We do not know. 

3. IF THERE ARE ANY in me (although probably yuppers). We do not know.

4. Where they are if they are  here - no clumps were seen, so most like there are rogue creeps running about my hallways looking for a place to camp. We do not know.

But. One bad guy in and he's in no need of a chick to reproduce - he's a regular self perpetuating bastard. Is he in? We do not know.

So - we bomb the whole place - in hopes of killing any cancer cells that could be anywhere. A rather primitive strategy. But man against nature, against billions of years of evolution? We are primitive. Nature will win. 

Breast cancer likes to hop the highway and go to the lungs, brain, or bone. Then kill ya.

So yes I'm doing chemo
No I won't be able to see if it's working
Call me in 20 years - if I answer it probably worked
I'm ok with the we do not know but
I'm tired 

Some people that make me smile:


  1. Love the description! Now every time that I see you, I will think of The Plaza.

  2. That is an amazing description. My aunt was just diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. Following your journey is helping me understand her journey as well.

    You are awesome, Amy.

    1. Thank you for reading!!! Good luck to your aunt

  3. Love your photos of people who make you smile. We should all fill our live with those folks - even if it is just thru this crazy computer communication. You make me smile and I do enjoy reading your 'stories', what a gift you have of storytelling.

  4. What a great description . This one was powerful...made me smile and tear up. Ava and I are grateful to be adopted family. basterd cells trying to hop the hallway... It's forbidden.
    You have that special talent to will things to happen as you would like so, I will join you in willing your body into 100% health. Two heads are always better than one ! Love and hugs !!

  5. When you're a famous writer and traveling the world on your international book tour, can I come along and carry your bags? Love you :-)

  6. Hi Amy, love your blog, I really enjoy reading your descriptive writing, you are really outside the box, The pictures are fun to look at, keep those friends and family around you that make you smile, thanks for posting the 22 things what not to do for your friend that has breast cancer, I have a fury little friend that I am dropping off at your home, hope it makes you smile, see you soon.

  7. Hi Amy, you make me smile, too : )

  8. Rebecca Dunn D'AmicoOctober 14, 2013 at 10:49 AM

    Love seeing your blog announcements come into my life.

  9. Just finished reading George Orwell's "Politics and the English Language" which takes way too long to say that we must let the meaning chose the word. That good writing comes from thinking "wordlessly," in visual images. That metaphors enable visual thinking, concrete and specific. "It is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's meaning as clear as one can through pictures or sensations."

    If Orwell had read this entry, he would have included it as an example of what he meant.

    Can I use this in class, dear Amy? I hope you do.

    1. WOW I'm more than thrilled that you'd even think of any of my words as worthy - yes use any any time and thank you

  10. I didn't see faint grey lettering so just clicked in the general area and it worked. The preventative question - I also had. I will def'ly send your blog to cousin Charlene this weekend. Been busy (who hasn't) and also wanted to read more of it before forwarding to her.
    The Botanist - getting some of that this weekend, too; never heard of it so Jamie and I will want to try it. Going to send you a great clip on How to Drink Scotch Whiskey (from FarnamStreet).
    Us Luddites need more help on Select profile. If this is posted, I figured something out. Sharon

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