Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's alive

I'm back up and running my life from a couch. My new office is soft and a bit crumby and the papers I work with are flattened and wrinkly. I survived my double surgery today, no it wasn't a double mastectomy - don't panic - it was another lumpectomy and a portable catheter installation. My family is kind of getting used to me having surgery so it was like no big deal, whatever mom. I shall write about it in more detail later as I love to share gore. Right now I'm busy managing a fit of laziness.

I missed teaching my class today but my intern actually came over to my house yesterday and we developed an entire lesson plan for the class today, what she taught successfully. Yay Stephanie the totes adorbs tumbling clever brilliant soon to be tattooed on Venice Beach moto burned super smart as a whip gem. Stephanie I adorb you.

I will be back on Thursday at St. Ed's to teach - allegedly. Rumor has it. A few students even wrote to say they missed me today, those little suck ups...no no not suck ups! They're darling! The best and brightest! Obviously! I shall choose to hold anyone who is nice to me in high regard. So if you see me plodding along glacially and snailishly tomorrow on the quad please do not punch me in the chest at all. For a one week grace period air hugs will be in vogue for me, so as not to disturb the various stitches, super glued openings, ace bandages, protrusions, contusions, scoops, ooze, gashes and hidden warp core breaches. I'll be back in class - albeit a tad bit stoned on opiate drugs, but I won't drive myself to school and the students won't notice probably ...

Hmmm...what stylish ensemble shall I ensemble for my hip teacher look tomorrow that goes fabulously with squished flattened triple-ace-bandaged large boobs AND a square huge alien knob sticking out of my upper collarbone neighborhood, complete with a large huge puffy puffy gauzy bandage thing? 

Thank you merci to sweet friends today - lots of love received. Very cool. And thank you to Mona for joining us today for a brief Mormon marriage as a second wife who got stuck with the maid/chef end of the deal while I played sort of a husbandish role composed largely of lying upon a couch situated in front of a palatial TV.

How did surgery go? I have no idea. I could not ask during my propophol nap (although I heard that I kept tying to wake up - thankfully I recall this not) and Mike declined to ask. 

Tuesday is going to bed.


  1. I'm glad you handled everything with your usual grace and personal style! You were on my mind all day!

  2. Playing second wife and second mom wasn't bad at all ... Maybe those folks with four or five wives know something we don't. Ha ha ha Big air hug....sleep well ! See ya in the am -Mona

  3. LOL..No longer getting tatted at Venice Beach...sad face lol...glad you're up and blogging!!

  4. Not getting updates via email for some reason. just an fyi. Take it easy little one. Don't overdo that napping and drugs...haha. Keeping you in good spirits and positive vibes here.

  5. Say--I just noticed that in your "profile picture" your daughter's knee looks kind of like a giant boob.

    1. You're just always thinking about boobs

    2. Haha, I thought it was a boob too when I first saw the profile pic :)

  6. Rebecca Dunn D'AmicoOctober 9, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    I saw that GIANT boob. HI Amy. Just getting up to speed. I'm smiling because you are so upbeat and happy. Just got off a 5:30am row and one of the ladies I row with is breast cancer free after 10yrs (she is 64 now). She gave me a big huge smile and said - "tell her to never lose her humor". Love you!
