Monday, November 4, 2013


All I can say today is I feel more normal today and I'm so happy. Cautiously. 

I'm at Kome with two men I love about to eat. This is good. I feel only pregnantish queasy (mine were ok) and I'm doing stuff. More later.


  1. It's the small victories, feeling somewhat normal, happy, and eating good men!

    1. I had lunch with Mike and Dan. I ordered three small appetizers sized sashimi platters, I could not stop eating them. It was wonderful to eat something that tasted good. Hillary, I am so happy to see you on here! I miss you so much.

  2. I love the men you love too!
    You can keep your sashimi………no New Yorkers? or was it Manhattans? Some Yankee drink. Hugs to all! auntie m

  3. Horray for small victories! Where is Kome, I've not heard of it, of course, I'm woefully out of touch with the world these days :)

  4. Good men, great food, and feeling happiness ......sounds wonderful ! I like the sound of that....
