Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sloping in to the holidays

Well I forgot all about Thanksgiving until two days ago. Well I didn't really exactly forget but I was putting it off and putting it off and putting it off. 

Compartmentalizing. I'm pretty good at that. 

I couldn't think about thinking about it. Then all of a sudden two days ago I started to feel okay-ish and now it's back on! We are making turkey and stuffing and green beans and pie and all the regular stuff and eating here at home with a few friends and a mother-in-law. I am delighted. Yes.

And I started to mentally (ouch) parse the holidays in the days that I will feel okay, and days that I will feel like I wish I could reside underneath the mat at our front door. This means I might have to go Christmas shopping this weekend, which is very kind of disgusting yet oddly appealing to me right now. I fondly yearn for the days of yore and when I would madly and titteringly and glitteringly run around crossroads Mall in Boulder with my Hillary and Blake and Rebecca and Natalie and Annabelle and mom and whoever else was around CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! Or whatever we were doing (truly not much actual shopping but oh were we busy). It really was excellent.

However, you will not see me at any black Friday events. 
Here I am in a gondolier at the Swiss Alps, hangin with Kimye, about to ski down a pristine slope. Not really although I did get a new white coat that I rather fancy. And I hear hats like this are all the rage right now, luckily. 

I am going to be skiing down a slope of sorts. A few of them. At the top of one slope will be me, a small figure dressed in a bathrobe and mismatched pants. A rather green countenance. In each hand I will be holding a pen-ski-pole to guide me, and I will slalom down a large stack of final papers that are due on December 5, which happens to be the day that I'm receiving my third injection of death juice. I hope I don't crash into a tree. However, by now, I know that it will work out okay.

Peace to you all and may you have a happy Thanksgiving meal!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Peace to you Amy, glad to hear you are having Thanksgiving diner with your family and having friends over!
