I'm on the juice. I have to take steroids twice a day, today, tomorrow, and the day after. To keep me from keeling. The rumor is that these hormonal freak pills can make you feel completely speedy druggy high up and euphoric, plus piggy, or murderous or insomniac-ish, or something else. Occasional psychopathy. Since I have to take them 2X a day and I kind of do really love my sleep, I set my alarm and got up at 5 AM to take the first one, and just took the second one now eight hours later. I feel pretty good, and yes it does make me hungry: I just snarfed down a huge bucket of fried chicken at Lucy's Fried Chicken - with Brooke - then I ate her skin. You know what I mean.
Fun things from the last 24 hours:
Trying on scarves
Balancing medication (on my nose)
Setting up a cute little basket full of pills and directions next to my bed, which will be my new nest/office for the next two months
Having a little dinner party and saying goodbye to my breast cancer support group last night, these guys have been really helpful. Thank you Veda, Leah, Diane, Sandy, Donni and Estella. I hear we plan to continue on meeting at Opal Divine's. Sadly nobody else in the group seems to like to drink beer or gin at a pub and do trivia but I will charge ahead alone in that regard. Somebody's got to do live research on the effects of alcohol and chemo, why not me?
What should I have for dinner tonight, the last dinner of my entire life before I enter into the new land called People Who Have Ever Taken Poisonous Cemotherapy into Their Veins? Maybe we can just abbreviate it like this, before chemotherapy: BC. After chemotherapy: AC. And, I think I've heard these abbreviations before… before Christotherapy and after Christotherapy? Is Jesus Christ a poisonous drip? Or maybe a healing potion that flows into the veins of humanity to bring health and wellness?
Love you ~~~~