A parable from my favorite writer:
The Witness (El
testigo), by Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)
In a stable that
stands almost within the shadow of the new stone church, a man with gray eyes
and a gray beard, sprawled amidst the odor of the animals, humbly seeks his
death as though he were seeking sleep.
The day, faithful to vast, secret laws, moves about
displacing and blending the shadows in that modest place; outside there are
plowed fields, and a ditch clogged with dried leaves, and perhaps some faint
tracks of a wolf upon the black clay at the edge of the forest.
The man sleeps and dreams, forgotten. The tolling bells that
call to prayer awaken him. In the kingdoms of England, the summoning of the
bells has already become part of the evening’s routine; but, in his boyhood,
the man has seen the face of Woden, the divine horror and exultation, the
cumbrous wooden idol overladen with Roman coins and unwieldy vestments, the
sacrifice of horses, dogs and prisoners. The man will die before dawn, and
along with him will also perish, never to return, the last direct, eyewitness
images of the pagan rites. The world will be poorer once this Saxon man has
We may wonder at events that exist in space, but reach their
end when someone dies; and yet some thing, or an infinite number of things,
dies and is lost along with anyone’s death, unless there actually exists a
universal memory, as the theosophists have speculated. Over the course of time,
there came a day that forever blinded the last eyes to have witnessed Christ;
the Battle of Junín, and the love of Helen, died with the death of some one.
What shall die with me when I die? What pathetic or
inconsequential form will the world nevertheless lose? The voice of Macedonio
Fernández, the memory of a bay horse in an empty lot at the corner of Serrano
and Charcas, a bar of sulfur inside the drawer of a mahogany desk?
─ Translated from El hacedor (1960) by Andras Corban Arthen
My doctor threw a brunch for all of her patients on Saturday (I know, right? Who does that?) complete with spanakopita made by her Greek uncle. I met over 10 women who are doing the exact same chemo regimen that I will be doing and that was purely relieving - I feel much better about the whole shebang right now. We sat around and shared stories - I mostly listened, as a "newbie" and got lots of tips. I heard some more tips from friends later that night as we drank rivers and wine and gorged ourselves on lasagna (the best ever, made by my chef husband - a James Beard concoction made out of cream and crack cocaine or something). Here is a brief list of tips for those about to rock Adriamycin:
Eat chocolate during chemo because intense sugar excites cancer cells and then when they are all excited and dancing around in a trancy daze, they attract more attention and the red devils in your blood can find them faster (who knows - could be)
Take a blanket - it's cold as hell in there
Dip your fingers in cold ice water to alleviate the neuropathy as the Adriamycin kills the nerves at the ends of your limbs - sounds entirely too high maintenance to me.
Take the anti-nausea drugs even if you don't think you need them. Well duh.
Cancer is what
I've always wondered what the purpose of cancer is. Or maybe purpose is not the right word, after all I kind of detest that whole "purpose-driven life" stuff or our relentless drive to find some kind of meaning in everything. Except there does seem to be one forward moving purpose out there and that is the drive for life to replicate itself. Reproduction. All life lives solely to reproduce itself - in this way we are servants of our species, our bodies just big containers walking around until nature drives us to mingle our DNA with another individual in order to advance the species. Some scientists think that DNA runs the show and that we are just witless vehicles. Birds do it. Bees do it. Bacterial do it like they do it on the Discovery channel. All of those naturally selected natural selections were done in service of the perpetuation of life. Mutations keep things going. A little fish is born one day with a bit bigger fin due to some freak of a chromosome in mommy, and voila, he is swimmier and eatier and fatter and happier cuz he got the skills to catch those fast big lunches. He gets the chick fish and passes on that DNA. Etc. on and on. It's those MUTATIONS that actually make the small changes that add up to evolutionary improvement. Nature is just fine tuning her organisms. Even the lowly strep bacteria is forever mutating as it swerves away from the avalanche of antibiotics we squirt at it from the hose of modern pediatrics. Cancer is a mutation. Why? Is it a Darwinian plan to weed out the weak? Or is there some goal that those cancer cells have - do they "want" to live? Why? What could a big old lumpy tumor accomplish? I really do wonder.
When cancer strikes a part of the body, a cell, it makes that part of the body grow and replicate too fast. So breast cancer makes ductal breast tissue cells grow too fast, so you get too many of them. What if we could leverage this cellular growth to grow boob tissue for all those ladies who want to augment their smaller boobs? Just a thought. Anyway, so what? The extra fast growing cells don't actually DO anything "bad" - it's just that if too many of them clump together then they get in the way of stuff like a lung breathing or a heart beating or a brain thinking.
Nature seems super damn smart. So what is the cause and meaning and purpose of the cancer mutation I wonder. Even if it's a reaction to an outer cause like radiation or poison, why? Like scar tissue forms around a wound - it's hard and thick and protects that area of the body - it has a purpose. A fever - heats the body to kill germs - it has a purpose. Cancer cells - I wonder what purpose they have in nature? Or is this pointless? I think it is.
The other weird thing is - cancer is not from "out there" - it's from inside. It IS me. I am made out of it, it is made out of me. It's from my cookbook, my body's recipe - no one else's.
I keep thinking of "let the mice in" when I hear the word Adriamycin. I will be taking the mice in.
Hangin out
I spent much of the weekend simply hanging out with friends - Kris, Rebecca, Mona, Leila, Margaret, Diane, Susan, and others. Margaret and I giggled our way through several gin and tonics a lot.
Children of the corn
Here is Fiona applying cat-eye Cleopatra make-up on Rebecca. My girls are my cure.
Violet just yelled "f(x) is the Y, right?" and when we non-listening adults did not immediately know the correct algebraic answer on the instant she shouted "GOD! I thought you were math smarticles!"
Here is a video that illustrates my life with Violet:
And another:
Today we went to a mixed ability dance performance on Town Lake on the Lamar bride. My salsa bringing friend Susan was a performer and invited us. We saw 25 or so dancers of all abilities - some in wheelchairs, some walking in crutches, one blind, some fully leaping and spinning - with live music and guitar. We sat out in the sunshine and watched them as bikers and runners rode and ran right through the middle of the performance. Are we all not mixed ability? We are. Thank you Susan for inviting us. She is the one on the ground in the teal shirt, leg in air.
All of these things I am doing, going to a dance, going to a movie (Gravity - yes it was wonderful), having dinner with friends, playing make up with Fifi, dancing with Violet and Mariah, hanging out with teenaged silly girls, being with Margaret - make me feel totally healthy and normal. Maybe I am totally healthy and normal.
Chemo starts this Thursday
Will be 3-5 hours each time
Will be every 3 weeks for 6 times
Will be followed by lump surgery #3
Then radiation for one million weeks
Then a trip to Colorado
I will become a drug fiend for a few months - hope some of them are fun drugs
I am fine and ok with this
I bought some cool skater caps at Zumie's this weekend - hope it's a cold winter
Percentage of people who do chemo that do not lose their hair - 25
Percentage of people who take the mice in that do not lose their hair - 0.000
Why chocolate? Why not just eat plain sugar? Why Colorado? When you go, can I come? I will go up Gold Hill with you. Totally thinking of you. Love me some Violet! I remember when she was born. How about getting some wigs? Different colors? Also, are you going to cut your hair preemptively or wait to see it fall out? JA
ReplyDeletePre-empt 4 shore
DeleteEat the best chocolate you can find. Heck, I'll eat some with you. I love that you are living your life to the max. We should all do so. Had pizza with friends and we all laughed when I left the Ladies room with the faucet full on....do I hate the ones that you have to turn off or the ones that turn themselves off so then you get complacent.... We all laughed, hope it gives you a giggle too.
ReplyDeleteYes it did! Thanks for listening to me!
DeleteI am trying to leave a comment. You would never know I have a blog:(
DeleteAmy, your writing and your life blow my fucking mind.
Thank you I think ! Ha ha ha just glad to be read
DeleteWhat's your favorite kind of chocolate?
ReplyDeleteDark with nuts!
DeleteI am (as always) awestruck by your ability to balance responsibility with laughter --so effortlessly, creatively, intelligently, generously. I simply do not know what I would do without you. I suck at it. Your friends are amazing, and it was an honor to be embraced so easily by them. I will never forget this trip!
ReplyDeleteI think you underestimate you - you are wonderful as is. I have good taste, right?
DeleteThank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThanks for coming to the Body Shift performance! I don't think the day could have possibly been more beautiful than it was on that bridge at 5pm! I was happy to see you and your gang. By the way, I'm glad I ignored your instructions, and told you I hoped you had a great weekend...it sounds like you did, you busy girl!!! Much love to you.
ReplyDeleteThank you you sweet person
DeleteWe read that Borges story in book club once, didn't we? I have a vague recollection (all my recollections these days seem to be vague).
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you got the opportunity to meet other women who are going through the same treatment. Your doctor sounds amazing!
I'm working on a surprise for you. Won't be ready by Sunday, but hopefully soon :-) I'll be sending you all my positive vibes Thursday as I'm sitting in my boring business meeting.
Everyone stuck in a boring biz meeting should read my blog instead of paying attention
DeleteI wholeheartedly agree!
DeletePS thank you - I'm curious about the surprise!
DeleteAnnabelle's friend Laura here - I've read your whole blog and will continue to read it. It's completely riveting. Thank you for sharing your life with us during this strange and scary time. You are an amazing writer with an incredible spirit. xo
ReplyDeleteThank you! You just made my morning!
DeleteSending big, big love your way. Letting the mice in to banish the red devil makes me think of The Nutcracker. This time, the mice/rat things win and do away with the Red Devil Nutcracker.
ReplyDeleteNutcracker - love that!
DeleteYou write You feel - I read and I feel looped slooped gooped to be following such a fabulous woman and writer on this boob blog adventure. A strong, fun amazing woman that is Yoshimi - go Yoshimi. smiles... :-)
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